Welcome to a place where fantasies come alive, right on your screen. Literotica serves up the hottest free sex stories, erotic fiction, and adult audio to fuel every dirty thought you've ever had. This ain't your grandma's book club; it's an all-you-can-eat buffet of the steamiest tales you could ever dream up. If you're looking for a quickie read or something to spark those fires below, our collection is as broad as it is deep. We've got everything from tender first times that'll make your heart race to hardcore bondage stories that'll teach you a new trick or two. Or maybe office desk antics are more your style? Either way, we've got the words that'll get you worked up. And let’s not skim over the adult audio. Close your eyes and let those moans and whispers take you places you’ve only visited in your wet dreams. It’s like having a lover right in your ear telling you all the filthy things they want to do with you. Listen solo or blast it while getting down with someone–either way, you’re in for a hell of a ride. Swing by Literotica where the only thing we overlook is censorship – come indulge in where words meet desires unabashedly uncensored. Get ready to touch yourself ‘til morning comes or until inspiration hits hard enough to send shakes down anyone’s spine.